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  • CVPR (Outstanding Reviewer for 2021)
  • ICML (Outstanding Reviewer for 2022)
  • NeurIPS
  • ECCV
  • ICCV
  • ICLR
  • AAAI
  • ACCV
  • WACV
  • CVPR Learning with Limited Labelled Data for Image and Video Understanding Workshop
  • ECCV Imbalance Problems in Computer Vision Workshop
  • ICIP
  • Program Committee
  • CVPR Learning with Limited Labelled Data for Image and Video Understanding Workshop [Link]
  • ECCV Imbalance Problems in Computer Vision Workshop [Link]
  • Teaching assistance
  • ECE 175A Elements of Machine Intelligence [Discussion Lead](Recording)
  • ECE 271A Statistical Learning I, UCSD
  • ECE 271B Statistical Learning II, UCSD
  • ECE 271C Deep Learning and Applications, UCSD
  • Mentorship
  • UC San Deigo ECE Summer Research Internship Program (SRIP) [project]
  • UC San Deigo ENLACE program